Clinical Trial Logistics

Our supply chain is designed to address the challenges of complex multinational clinical trials requiring rapid access to patients in Eastern Europe, Balkan States, Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

Our company has been providing clinical trial logistic services since 2004 and supporting sponsors, CMOs and CROs looking to extend their studies to new regions, implement adaptive trial or patient-centricity concept into their clinical trial supply strategies.

Oximio clinical trial logistics service is an integrated solution for:

  • Clinical trial supplies including investigational and non-investigational medical products;
  • Ancillary supplies, including medical devices, equipment, and documents;
  • Laboratory logistics, including lab kit assembly and bio-samples management;

Tailored clinical trial services for:

Oximio - The Chain
Investigational Medicinal Products
Concomitant Therapy Products
Ancillary Supplies
Medical Equipment
Biological Samples
Our proactive project management team ensures quality clinical trial logistics procedures and deals with complications, changes and any unexpected issues that arise during the conduct of the trial.



We tailor and optimize the clinical trial supply chain via variability of logistics schemes, own GMP Depot Network and process intelligence, ensuring supply to the right place, in the right quantity, at the right time and within optimal budget.

Our Depot Network offers you global reach to patients:






Partner Depot Moldova

Partner Depot Bosnia&Hercegovina

Partner Depot North Macedonia

North America

Partner Depot United States

Partner Depot Canada

Middle East



Partner Depot Lebanon

Partner Depot Egypt


Partner Depot India

Partner Depot China

Partner Depot Australia

Clinical Trial Services  & Logistics built on local expertise:

Clinical Trials Project Management

Effective clinical trials project management is essential for the successful and timely completion of research studies. Navigating the complexities is challenging, requiring expert industry knowledge. Our experienced project managers offer complete support through every stage of the trial.

We are here to support you.

Contact our Sales Team for a personalized offer:


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