Our Business Development team is looking forward to attending this year’s EDCTP forum in June.
Hosted by the Ministry of Health of Rwanda and the Rwanda Biomedical Centre, and co-organized by Global Health EDCTP3 and the EDCTP Association, the theme for this year’s forum is “Better Health Through Global Research Partnerships.”
The forum provides a global platform to present and discuss research on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, along with capacity-building and networking efforts to support this work.
Representatives from research institutions, universities, healthcare providers, the scientific community, governments, and regulatory bodies will be in attendance. This offers a unique opportunity for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. The programme includes plenary and parallel sessions, poster exhibitions, symposia, workshops, and various networking opportunities.
If you are attending and would be interested in learning more about our supply chain solutions for clinical trials, why not contact us to arrange a time to meet. We look forward to seeing you.